Guided Selling Questionnaire

This experience contains an interactive questionnaire for shoppers to determine the best coffee that suits their taste. It uses the Headless CMS to store information about all the different coffees, as well as to store all the questions and possible answers. Logic is applied to the various answer combinations, determining which coffees to suggest.

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The experience below is a real Intuiface experience deployed to the web.
The same experience running in Intuiface Player would be identical, but this web deployment is accessible to anyone with a browser!"

Other free web app examples:

Quiz Examples

This template provides two quiz options. The first is a 10-question quiz, while the second is an advanced version with features such as score tracking, randomized questions, and a leaderboard.
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My First Project

Think of this project as your starting point for learning how to build amazing interactive experiences with Intuiface.
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Hotspot Examples

Multiple examples of hotspots in action: icons or labels that, when tapped, trigger the display of additional information about labeled items.
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